FarmWorks History
FarmWorks Wins Second Place in the NS Co-op Council Innovation Awards
The 2012 Nova Scotia Co-operative Council Innovation Challenge
The Co-operative Innovation Competition’s goal is to support and develop a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the co-operative sector. This competition is open to new start-ups and established co-operatives and credit unions that are members of the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council. In order to be eligible to enter this competition, a co-op must be incorporated, with business based in Nova Scotia.
Co-operatives that proceed to Stage 2 will be asked to expand upon their idea and submit a business plan which will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The three top submissions will be asked to present their innovation and business case in person to a panel of judges. The written and verbal presentation will both be reviewed to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes.
1st Prize $5,000 + 10 days mentoring
2nd Prize $3,000 + 7 days mentoring
3rd Prize $1,500 + 5 days mentoring
Cash awards will be used for expenses such as expertise in Intellectual Property, Legal, Marketing, Advertising, or Branding. This support is expected to come from recognized professionals. Any use of funds for capital items will have to be pre-approved by the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council. Mentoring – business and marketing consulting assistance will come from the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council’s Business Development Officers.