Considering Our Options
“Society broadly needs to change the circumstances for all members of our society to enable people to have options and live differently. In our small province we could actually achieve this.” Dr. John Ross, Chronicle Herald April 1st, 2016
We have options, and not all of them require difficult choices. Many of us worry about challenges while perhaps overlooking local solutions. Dr. Ross describes the Social Determinants of Health which, among others, include income and income distribution; employment and job security; food security; social connections and safety network.
There are options that can have a positive effect on these determinants. We can choose an apple in place of a candy bar; salad rather than chips; food from fresh rather than a can; walking rather than driving; visiting friends rather than screen time. Choosing to become involved in our communities – rural or urban – is a choice with significant consequences. Buying in our communities – from local businesses – keeps money close to home, creates or maintains employment and helps improve our economy. Learning about options makes it possible to make healthier choices.