Board Members
Robin McAdam – Secretary
Robin McAdam has worked in business development for most of the past 20 years with a focus on renewable energy. He is currently Vice President Major Developments with Emera Inc., while previously Executive Vice-President Sustainability for Nova Scotia Power and President of Emera Brunswick Pipeline. He was a consultant with KPMG Management Consulting specializing in market and financial analysis and a Lecturer at the Wilfrid Laurier University School of Business.
As a volunteer, he has chaired the Greater Halifax Partnership and the Municipal Affairs Committee of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce. He is currently Vice-Chair of the Sherbrooke Lake Water Quality Advisory Committee.
Robin has always stayed close to the agriculture sector and the importance of “buy local” through family members who raise beef cattle.
In 2016 he was named as one of Canada’s Clean 50 in recognition of his contribution to sustainable development. He holds the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.