News & Events
Considering Our Options
"Society broadly needs to change the circumstances for all members of our society to enable people to have options and live differently. In our small province we could actually achieve this." Dr. John Ross, Chronicle Herald April 1st, 2016 We have options, and not all of them require difficult choices. Many of us worry about challenges while perhaps overlooking local solutions. Dr. Ross describes the Social Determinants of Health which, among others, include income and income distribution; employment and job security; food security; social connections and safety network. There are options that can have a positive effect on these determinants. We can choose an apple ...
Local Prosperity: FarmWorks is helping to grow local entrepreneurs and their businesses
The Centre for Local Prosperity brought a wide range of speakers and citizens together in Annapolis Royal and Cornwallis Park over four days in April 2015 to consider New Economics for Rural Canada. Conference Keynote speaker, economist Michael Shuman, has written that Americans’ long-term savings in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, pension funds, and life insurance funds total about $30 trillion (America 330 M, Canada 33 M people). But not even 1 percent of these savings touch local small business—even though roughly half the jobs and the output in the private economy come from them. So, how can people increasingly concerned with ...
FarmWorks 2016 Impact Report Information
Impacts of Local Investment – Survey of FarmWorks Clients Economic and Social Impacts of FarmWorks Support for Food Related Businesses in Nova Scotia Anticipated figures for 2018 based on 104 (relative to 38) businesses that have received $3,800,000 (relative to $1,005,500): revenue $20,000,000 +, expenses $18,000,000 +, full or part-time jobs 475. “I think that entrepreneurs should boast about the support that we receive and where we receive it. Too often I see an article on a start-up entrepreneur and they do not mention the support that they received early on, and ...
FarmWorks Receives National Award
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 14, 2014 FarmWorks honoured among Tides Top 10 awardees Tides Canada named FarmWorks Investment Co-operative Limited among its Tides Top 10 – a national annual award honouring some of Canada’s most innovative social change efforts that inspire people to take action, think in new ways and make the world a better place. We chose them for: Creating meaningful partnerships with investors and with loan recipients, businesses and other lenders – partnerships that contribute to the growth of food-related enterprises across Nova Scotia. “Our Tides Top 10 ...
Gentle Dragons Find Food
The Gentle Dragons found many current and potential food producers right across the Province and throughout the next months some of them will show up on this website when they qualify to receive loans from FarmWorks. In January and February there were FarmWorks information sessions and “Gentle Dragons” food producer showcases across Nova Scotia. Everyone was invited to attend to hear from local producers and to learn how FarmWorks is supporting producers. Shares in FarmWorks provide Provincial tax credits. The March 3rd Offer has closed but will reopen to accommodate additional investors (see below). People presented their plans or their ideas ...
Rural Redefined: Post-Georgetown Conference 2013 Insight by Linda Best
The time is ripe to re-energize the entrepreneurial spirit that historically characterized Atlantic Canadians. From the successes of early settlers to the accomplishments of individuals today, from entrepreneurs in small communities to urban farmers, from engaged kids to senior volunteers, there are multitudes of examples of Atlantic spirit. Maybe it's the ocean around us, maybe the food we grow, the distances that make us self-reliant but neighborly, the friend and family connections: these and many other elements inspire engagement and innovation and enterprise. Perhaps some of us have lost sight of our abilities, ...
All Offers to date: $4,634,700 invested
Shares With Edible and Financial Benefits The money previously invested is supporting 141 food-related businesses with more to come, and monthly repayments are being added to the capital available for loans. Money is loaned at 6% for one to five year terms and is having a positive effect on farm and food-related businesses. Applications are processed as described on the Lending Page. If you are interested in learning about FarmWorks please contact: Linda Best (542-3442, 670-3660, lbest@ns.sympatico.ca)
January 2014 Newsletter
February 2014 Newsletter
Shift to Delicious – Nova Scotian Food
When you buy local food, you vote with your food dollar for family farms, thriving communities, and healthy, flavorful, plentiful food.
“Gentle Dragons” Found Food
"Gentle Dragons" heard excellent presentations in November from existing and developing farmers and food producers from across the Province. FarmWorks will need to raise a substantial amount of money in the next CEDIF Offer to provide loans to those who qualify. We'll soon be adding short profiles of the Presenters. Friday, November 9th, THE BLOCKHOUSE SCHOOL, 63 School Road, BLOCKHOUSE, 12 – 4 pm Presenters: The Blockhouse School, Flying Apron Cookery, Ma Bell's Country Condiments, Cultivator's Market, EarthWood: A Pilot Proposal, Prometheus, Rustik Magazine Dragons: Jo Ann ...